Are we right for you?
The first step in determining whether our professional management services are appropriate is the examination of our philosophy of how we conduct our business. If it does not register as meaningful to you we should not be considered a candidate to manage your assets. If you agree with the values expressed in our philosophy we invite you to learn more about what we do and how we do it.
- We will promise neither service nor performance that is beyond our capability.
- We will accept no business that is not in the client's best interest.
- We will accept no business on which we can not make a profit.
- We will not deal with individuals of questionable character.
We do not believe in the absolute performance figures or charts that are employed as marketing tools by almost all mutual funds and money managers, as they do not relate to your goals and risk tolerance. We measure performance relative to what each client has established as the rate of total return necessary to enable him to reach his pre-determined goals with the least attendant risk. We take pride in the fact that we are not typical in this regard, but are driven by client needs rather than short term sales goals.
Portfolio Management
After we have worked with you to establish your personal investment goals, we design and manage your individual portfolio(s) using one or more of the distinct styles you choose.
- SLIA Value "+" Equity
- Fundamental Analysis
- Accumulation/Distribution Analysis
- SLIA Value "+" Sector Select
- SLIA Value "+" International
- SLIA Value "+" Fixed Income